The Ameraucana is an American breed of domestic chicken. It was developed in the United States in the 1970s, and derives from Araucana chickens brought from Chile. The Ameraucana is one of the few chicken breeds to lay blue eggs. It has a pea comb, muffs, beards, and slate colored legs. Our Ameraucanas are black, blue, and splash with beards that lay light blue to greenish blue eggs. Mild mannered and easy to handle they do lay nice shaped and sized eggs. Introduced to Roberts Farm during the summer of 2020.

 Hatchlings Since 2014: 669


AKA: Chipmunk Blue Egger Type: Novelty Lay Rate: 180 Fair Egg Size: Large Egg Color: Blue/Green
Origin: America Nature: Docile, flighty Hardy: Yes Comb: Pea Source: My Pet Chicken & San
Broody: OccasionallyRarity: RareFree Range: YesVarieties: Black, Blue, and Splash
Notes: Beards, muffs, clean legged, and slate legs. True Ameraucana, not Easter Eggers.
Point-of-Lay: 27-30 weeks


Introduced in the Summer of 2020. Chicks will be available during the Spring of 2021


At this time, we do not sell hatching eggs for Ameraucana chickens.

          Ameraucana: Wikipedia
          Ameraucana Breed: MannaPro
          Ameraucana Breeders Club: HomePage
          Ameraucana Chickens: Ameraucana Alliance
          Chick Care Sheet: Roberts Farm
          Risk of Human Salmonella Infection: CDC

Calvin & Cindy Roberts
488 County Road 335
San Augustine, Texas 75972
(936) 652-1940 (Text Only)•
DISCLAIMER: Prices, products, and services described on this website may or may not accurately reflect current prices, products, and services and are subject to change without prior notice. For more current information, please contact us by telephone or email. Live animals carry risk of salmonella and other diseases and should be handled accordingly