All guineas originally came from Africa and have always been prized for their all-dark, gamey tasting meat. In many of the world’s top restaurants guinea is still found on the menu and demands a very high price. Guineas are very easy to raise. Once you get them started, they live and grow on bugs, insects and weed seeds. They newly hatched young are called keats and are very active from the start. Once guineas are grown they will range throughout your farmstead foraging for good and serving as you personal watchdogs by calling: Buckwheat! Buckwheat! to all strangers that pull into your yard. Many of our customers report the addition of guineas to their homestead has greatly reduced the number of ticks, particularly the dreaded deer tick. Until 12 weeks of age, different colors of guineas will look similar and be difficult to distinguish.

 Hatchlings Since 2014: 1,281


AKA: Helmeted Guinea Type: Guineafowl Lay Rate: Seasonal Egg Size: Medium Egg Color: Brown
Origin: Africa Nature: Alert, loud, bossy Hardy: Yes Comb: Helmeted Source: Various
Broody: OccasionallyRarity: CommonFree Range: YesVarieties: Pearl, Pied Pearl, White, Lavender, and Pied Lavender
Notes: Contributes to discouraging predators.


I never cared for guineas when I was a child… never understood their purpose. Out of curiosity, I ordered a set of 26 Hatchery Choice guineas from Ideal Poultry in 2013; they were less than $1.00 each. I raised them to 4-5 weeks old, sold six to cover their cost, and kept the remainder. They are certainly strange creatures. Several left home for no apparent reason – they never once called or e-mailed? I gave three away… and kept the rest. Ended up with six that like to roost in the Live Oak tree in the front yard. Unfortunately, they roosted right over my wife’s car… they were relocated to our farm in the country. The three I gave away decided to join the other at our country estate. Several, who were unhappy with their new home, left. Ultimately, I ended up with three females – not good. A neighbor gave me a pied lavender male who did a goo job mounting my females and keeping them in-line. Unfortunately, he also laid eggs? Later, a lady gave me a pearl male who turned out to be male. But, alas, he thought he was a duck and when I gave my ducks to a cousin, he too left home. In the summer of 2015, I hatched a small clutch on the halves from another person’s flock. We shall see how many of these stick around. They’ll likely end up in a flight pen with the peacocks.


At this time, we do not sell hatching eggs for guinea fowl.

          Colour Genetics of Guinea Fowl: Guinea Fowl International
          Guinea Fowl: Your Overlooked Backyard Buddy: Modern Farmer
          Guinea Hen Call: YouTube
          Helmeted Guinea Fowl Color Chart: Guinea Fowl International
          How to Raise Guinea Fowl Keets: Guinea Fowl International
          Raising Guinea Fowl: University of Kentucky
          Raising Guinea Fowl: A Low-Maintenance Flock: Mother Earth News
          Risk of Human Salmonella Infection: CDC
          Sexing Guinea fowl by sound: Murano Chicken Farm

Calvin & Cindy Roberts
488 County Road 335
San Augustine, Texas 75972
(936) 652-1940 (Text Only)•
DISCLAIMER: Prices, products, and services described on this website may or may not accurately reflect current prices, products, and services and are subject to change without prior notice. For more current information, please contact us by telephone or email. Live animals carry risk of salmonella and other diseases and should be handled accordingly