Buff Laced Polish are a beautiful variety of Polish Chickens. Birds are buff colored with white lacing around the edges of their feathers. Polish are best known for their top hat or crazy feathers on top of their heads! Polish Chickens have small v-combs, lay white eggs, and do not tend to be broody. They are a favorite with children because of their looks and quiet docile personality. Because their feathers can limit their vision, they are not a good option for free ranging. (Meyer Hatchery)

 Hatchlings Since 2014: 402


AKA: Top notch Type: Novelty Lay Rate: 200 Good Egg Size: Average Egg Color: White
Origin: Europe Nature: Calm but cautious Hardy: No Comb: Small V Source: McMurray
Broody: RarelyRarity: CommonFree Range: NoVarieties: Buff laced only.
Notes: Due to limited vision, can be flighty. Easily bullied.
Point-of-Lay: 23-25 weeks


Buff Laced Polish were added to our farm in the Summer of 2020. Young chicks will be available for sale in 2021.


We do not offer hatching eggs at this time.

          Chick Care Sheet: Roberts Farm
          Livestock Conservancy: Polish:
          Polish chicken: Wikipedia
          Risk of Human Salmonella Infection: CDC
          Wikipedia: Polish:

Calvin & Cindy Roberts
488 County Road 335
San Augustine, Texas 75972
(936) 652-1940 (Text Only)• mail@calvinroberts.us
DISCLAIMER: Prices, products, and services described on this website may or may not accurately reflect current prices, products, and services and are subject to change without prior notice. For more current information, please contact us by telephone or email. Live animals carry risk of salmonella and other diseases and should be handled accordingly